- Welcome to the website that is perhaps my Letter to the World,
- which has indeed written back, once in a while,
- despite my late start on the correspondence.
- Looking back over the decades,
- I know now that I've always been a storyteller,
- even in kindergarten, where I kept taking over the class to tell them stories.
- I didn't know that was a calling until I was more than half-way through
what's turning out to be a long life.
- Now, actuarially, time is getting short, so I'm gathering up that late-begun work and leaving it here, in the vast forest that is the internet,
- in hopes it may be of value on your path to a long and creative life.
- At the astonishing-to-me age of 90, I'm pleased to tell you that my roman á clef aka "auto-novel," about the first half of this very long life has a new life of its own. Ask your favorite bookseller for Silence of the Seamaid or click here to order on Amazon, that great maker or breaker of books.
- This is me, with a few daft words on why you really need to read this book. Do click, it's fun—
Here's a reaction from a guy in France who read the book and sent this glorious feedback...
- Talking with some readers...
- Spoiler alert—Don't watch this before reading the book.

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- A one-day push of Silence on Amazon earned the book a gold star.
- Well, that's nice.
- Now if the people who downloaded the eBook read it, I'll be truly pleased.

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- Hey, if you give people actual books, you can watch them reading.
- Somehow people staring at Kindles just aren't as interesting.